You should finish that!

Programming is my passion and a lot of times my hobbie. I think about, take a lot of notes and build quite a few side projects of my own. However, for my demise, only a few make it to the dailight. Only a few are worthy. It used to be that way...

I changed!

I decided I was tired of starting ideas and leaving them halfway - either because another interesting idea appeared in my head, or because I had lost interest or I was chasing a business idea and realised investing more time would lead to burnout without any real financial gain.

My current mindset is to choose wisely what I am going to do next and if I do start it, make sure I finish it! It does not have to be perfect, it does not have to generate money. I just want to feel that I shipped. It's deployed, it's working. Perhaps with a lot of bugs to fix but, you know what?! People are using and it feels nice!

One of those projects - built with old time friends - is Plicca, a platform that bridges together writers and readers. It will make use of machine learning to help writers write even better stories and get more insight from their audience and help readers find the content they love the most.

I am also working on Midi Circuit - a platform to teach music in an interactive and fun way, where students can use their own midi instruments to learn and navigate through the lessons.

Finding time for all these ideas is also another challenge that I had to overcome. I will write about this soon. But my message here is that "You should finish that idea!" you started. Closing circles will make you feel better about yourself and give you more confidence in everything else.

Go finish that!